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TIA-942 Data Center Cabling standard set for revis
来源:万瑞布线网 作者:未知 更新时间:2010-05-02

In the second half of 2009, members of the Telecommunications Industry Association's TR-42.1 Commercial Building Cabling Subcommittee began working on a revision of the TIA-942 Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard for Data Centers. TIA-942 was published in 2005 and, according to ANSI guidelines, the standard must be revised, affirmed, or rescinded in five years. At its August 6, 2009 meeting, TR-42.1 unanimously approved the creation of a project to revise the standard. The revision will ultimately be published as TIA-942A.


Minutes from TR-42.1's final meeting of 2009, which took place November 5, indicate the TIA-942A standard will include a number of changes and additions, several of which will focus on energy efficiency.


The TR-42.1 Subcommittee was met on 4 February. We will track the developments of the TIA-942A specification and keep you updated on specifics as they emerge.



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