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Technology Salary Survey -- Data Center

数据由Informa Engage, Data Center Knowledge, IT Pro Today, Channel Futures提供
By Informa Engage, Data Center Knowledge, IT Pro Today, Channel Futures


IT和数据中心管理专业仍然是IT从业者的骄傲和成就之源。但现在,他们中越来越多的人担心自己缺乏工作所需的技能。报告作者: Scott Fulton,III
The IT and data center management profession remains a source of pride and accomplishment for its practitioners. But many more of them are now concerned they lack the skills they need to do their jobs. Report author: Scott Fulton, III

For most IT professionals, the data center remains a stable, healthy and prosperous place to work. It’s the type of work environment that skilled professionals seek to nurture and sustain, and their employers seem eager enough to keep them on-board.

这有利于稳定,但也可能是一个日益严重的问题: 在已有经验的IT管理者和他们所管理的技术、系统和基础设施之间存在着日益增长的技能差距。 
That’s good for stability but it may also be a key contributor to a growing problem: An increasing skills gap between veteran IT managers and the technologies, systems and facilities they’re being paid to manage.

以下是由Informa 提供的2018薪资报告,数据是由Data Center Knowledge, IT Pro Today and Channel Futures提供。截止到年底,Informa通过在全球范围内调研162家数据中心和其他IT专业人士,调研问卷主要包括工资,工作经验和工作满意度。以下是详细信息:
These are among the findings of the 2018 Informa Engage Technology Salary Survey, conducted by Data Center Knowledge, IT Pro Today and Channel Futures. Toward the end of last year, Informa Engage surveyed 162 data center and other IT professionals worldwide, with questions mainly dealing with their salaries, work experiences and job satisfaction. Their responses told us the following:

1、继续工作的回报依然丰厚。数据中心专业人员的工资增长和奖金与美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)追踪的大多数行业一样高。
1. The rewards for staying employed remain strong. Salary growth and bonuses for data center professionals are as high as for most any industry tracked by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

2. The skills shortage has become a cause for alarm. Even quarter-century veterans of the industry are feeling they lack the training and support they need to fulfill their roles.

3. Veteran IT pros remain proud of the work they do. The skills shortage appears to be the only factor that has a negative impact on the professionals’ overall job satisfaction.


Most of the professionals polled said they live and work inside the United States; some 35 percent hail from elsewhere, although only 3 percent live and work in Canada. We asked these people to estimate their current annual salaries in US dollars.


在接受调查的专业人士中,有一半的人告诉我们,他们的年薪在10万美元以上,9%的人表示年薪在20万美元以上。这些高工资可能反映了受访者的工作经验: 47%的人说他们在IT行业有20年或以上的工作经验,48%的人告诉我们他们在目前的公司有5至20年的工作经验。
Among the professionals polled, half of respondents told us their annual salaries were $100,000 or greater, with 9 percent reporting salaries of $200,000 or more. These high salaries may be indicative of respondents’ work experience: 47 percent said they had 20 years or more experience in the IT industry, with 48 percent telling us they had between five and 20 years’ tenure in their current organizations.


You don’t have to be a corporate executive to get well paid in this industry. Only 18 percent of respondents reported being C-level executives in their organizations, with 33 percent saying they work at a managerial level and 36 percent saying they’re staff.


Among everyone polled, including staff, managers and executives, 24 percent told us their 2018 annual salaries were unchanged from 2017. A full 63 percent said they enjoyed salary increases for the year, while 13 percent said their annual salaries grew by 10 percent or more.

正如总部位于伦敦的数据中心(People)的董事总经理史蒂夫•布朗(Steve Brown)告诉我们的那样,任何分析都是基于我们所称的“数据中心行业”的薪资水平,必须考虑到这个词所包含的工作角色的广度。不像金融服务或医疗保健,数据中心和IT包含了更广泛的范围,从专业和科技范畴不一定十分关联。这里不仅包括软件工程师、网络专业人士和服务器经理,同时也包括有设施经理和施工团队。 
As Steve Brown, managing director of London based Datacenter People, tells us, any analysis of salary levels for what we call the “data center industry” must take into account the breadth of job roles that phrase entails. Unlike a more narrowly focused category such as financial services or healthcare, data centers and IT encompass much wider range of interacting, if not necessarily interrelated, disciplines. There are software engineers, networking professionals and server managers, of course, but also facilities managers and construction teams.

“The software engineering side of the data center is comparable to the highest-earning professions,” Brown says. “On the physical infrastructure—the mechanical/electrical side—it’s not quite the case. It’s more equivalent to mid-level management. Perhaps in the higher-paying sectors—whether it’s software engineering, financial markets trading, brain surgery—more brain processing power is required to be successful in the role, compared to somebody who is working with mechanical and/or electrical systems.”


Respondents report a variety of areas occupy most of their time, most commonly general IT management(24%),Project management(22%),and Leadership & Professional Skills(19%).

When given a list of multiple IT job roles and asked to cite any that occupy a major portion of their time, 24 percent of respondents said they were involved with general IT management, while 22 percent cited project management. Some 19 percent of respondents said their roles required leadership and professional skills, while 14 percent said they were involved with security and another 14 percent with network management. Only 3 percent were involved with any aspect of hardware engineering, and only 2 percent with facilities management. These figures are not necessarily indicative of the allocation of responsibilities within data centers, just the breakdown of roles among our respondents. Still, it’s an indicator that the relatively high salaries and depths of experience reported by the survey respondents are on account of their managerial and leadership roles, even though executive leadership comprises a minority. Nine out of 10 respondents were male.


88% feel that they are very important to the success of their employer

56% say they have all the training they need to do a good job.
在一个十年的周期里,数据中心行业主要的问题之一就是业务发展和所需专业技能之间的差距: 处于业务发展瓶颈的企业和组织通过招聘新员工以满足新兴技能的需求或在现有IT员工中培养这些技能。88%的受访者表示,他们至少在一定程度上同意这一说法,“我所做的对我的雇主的成功非常重要,”只有56%的人表示同意,“我接受了做好一份工作所需的所有培训。”尽管74%的受访者告诉我们,他们在IT行业已经工作了10年或更长时间。
For the better part of this decade, one of the principle story lines in the data center industry has been the growing skills gap: the difficulty enterprises and organizations have with recruiting new individuals to meet the need for emerging skills or cultivating those skills among their existing IT workforce. While 88 percent of respondents told us they agreed at least somewhat with the statement, “What I do is very important to my employer’s success,” only 56 percent said they would agree with, “I have all the training I need to do a good job.” That’s despite 74 percent of respondents telling us they’ve served in the IT industry for a decade or longer.


At present, the status quo of industry practitioners obtaining certificates is that 18% of them have obtained relevant qualification certification, and only 10% of them have been obtained and updated regularly. Up to 61% of the practitioners have no qualification certificate. Professional qualification certificate is 74% important for your current job (very important plus very important), 74% important for job hopping (very important plus very important), and 58% important for promotion in the organization

IT industry certifications are often offered through professional organizations, many of which offer refresher courses and resources for maintaining skill levels, usually for an annual fee. More than three respondents in five (61 percent) told us they have not completed or renewed any of their professional certifications within the past 12 months. At the same time, 74 percent indicated that such a certification would improve their effectiveness in carrying out their current role, 74 percent said a certification would be beneficial to advancing their careers, and 58 percent said it would help them advance within their own organizations.

是什么阻止这些专业人士更新他们的证书? 在61%没有证书或证书失效的人中,超过三分之一(34%)的人表示,这是因为他们的组织缺乏培训预算。约24%的人认为是时间不够用,还有16%的人表示是管理层认为没有培训的必要,16%的人表示他们所在的公司没有培训计划。只有10%的人表示没有与他们的工作岗位相关的证书。换句话说,每个人都知道存在技能差距,也都知道原因。但是填补这个空白需要一些牺牲——时间、金钱,或许还有自律——而很少有人愿意这样做。
What’s keeping these professionals from updating their certifications? Among the 61 percent group with no certifications or with lapsed ones, more than a third (34 percent) said this was due to a lack of a training budget at their organizations. Some 24 percent cited a lack of time, while 16 percent said management doesn’t see a need for training, and 16 percent cited no training plans within their workplace. Only 10 percent said no certifications exist that pertain to their job roles. Put another way, everyone knows there’s a skills gap, and everyone knows why. But filling that gap requires some sort of sacrifice — time, money, and perhaps control — that few are willing to make.


Among those respondents who reported receiving a salary increase, 43 percent said it was on account of their job performance. Only 9 percent attributed their raise to having acquired new job skills and 5 percent to acquiring a new certification. It’s the output, the bottom line, that employers are valuing much more than the input, the studying and the perseverance.

“在学校工作和在数据中心行业工作的区别在于,学校没有人才短缺的问题,”新泽西州数据中心设施人力资源公司(Pkaza)的招聘业务主管肖恩•博德纳尔(Sean Bodnar)表示。“他们发布一份工作,可以获得成千上万的简历,而且每个人都符合条件。” 
“The difference between working in a school and working in the data center industry is that schools don’t have a problem with a talent shortage,” says Sean Bodnar, who directs recruiting operations for New Jersey-based data center facilities staffing firm Pkaza. “They post a job, and they have a wave of thousands of resumes, and everyone’s qualified.”

The way individuals are recruited and trained for the more intellectual roles in the data center—or, more accurately, the way they’re not being recruited or trained — may have a lot to do with phenomena such as the gender disparity reflected in the survey sample. Bodnar has had experience with both education and IT and sees where the former industry has had greater success of late, particularly with messaging: selling itself as a meaningful and worthwhile career. This success is despite the fact (as the US Bureau of Labor Statistics attests) that the data center industry pays much, much better than teaching.

“I don’t think there are as many people familiar with this industry and all it has to offer,” he says. Both Pkaza and Datacenter People made this telling observation: their staffers are seeing a growing number of qualified candidates in the US and the UK entering all sectors of the data center workforce from the armed services. Process orientation, personal discipline and the ability to lead a team are all perceived as key qualities prized by executives — qualities fostered through military service.

In an odd way, this could actually be contributing to the skills shortage problem. None of these personal qualities acquired through the US Army or Royal Navy, for instance, are perceived as requiring annual refreshing or certification. Key personnel are retained by the military and are not being replaced except in unique circumstances —for example, an honorable discharge after multiple tours of duty overseas.


In another telling figure taken from the basic survey firm ographics, two-thirds of respondents (67 percent) are no younger than 45. Some 14 percent are at least 65, an age where IT professionals often choose to retire and where other professions may encourage or otherwise compel them to do so.


75% would recommend their child, niece or nephew enter the IT field

72% say that they love their job.

Despite this trend, most of these retained personnel are happy with their work, and many are satisfied with the positions they hold. Some 72 percent of respondents told us they agreed with the statement that they love their jobs, and 75 percent would recommend the IT field as a career path for their progeny.

据几位专业人士说,甚至这些数字也没有达到应有的水平,根据我们的了解,也很难理解为什么有人不会推荐一个技术总在不断迭代和发展的行业,技术更新在世界各地的企业中发挥着至关重要的作用。Pkaza创始人兼首席执行官彼得•卡泽拉(Peter Kazella)表示,企业需要在不断变化中保持永续经营。同时,他说,一个行业当中有很多方面,如果有人对自己现在的工作不满意的话,他们可以在同行业中再找到另一个工作或位置并发挥自己的作用。
Even these numbers are not as high as they could be, according to several professionals we consulted. It’s difficult to understand why someone wouldn’t recommend an industry where the technology is always evolving, that plays such a critical role in the world and where businesses are requiring continuous, always-on connectivity, says Pkaza founder and CEO Peter Kazella. There are so many different aspects of this industry, he says, that if someone wasn’t happy in their current position, they could move to a completely different one with an altogether different set of operating parameters and yet stay in the same industry.

What’s causing this dissatisfaction? When survey participants were asked if they agree with the statement, “I can get my work done in a normal 40 to 45-hour work week,” 59 percent of respondents agreed at least somewhat. So that’s not the problem. The statement that generated the greatest level of disagreement or ambivalence.

which, even then, was not high — was, “I have all the training I need to do a good job,” with 28 percent at least somewhat disagreeing. Data center professionals will be more likely to feel they lack the skills than to feel they lack the time.

“If you have the respect and support of your peers, it will still clearly drive a higher level of job satisfaction, and you feel like you are part of family,” says Ward Wilson, a two decades-long veteran of the data center industry, most recently with a major airline.

“I’ve seen a noticeable number of engineers on teams I’ve managed and worked on that find job satisfaction not only in management and peers, but also their opinions on the data center/infrastructure hardware,” Wilson says. “Supporting heavy-duty hardware like diesel generators, CRAC units, and UPS can be like a kid who likes to work on cars. After you’ve worked supporting a room sized diesel generator for a period of months or years, you develop trust for that hardware, and thereby can find job satisfaction by keeping that equipment well cared for and ready for use.”

Wilson’s sentiment was indeed reflected by 62 percent of survey respondents, who agreed at least somewhat with the phrase, “I have all the tools I need to do a good job.”


At any moment, 14 percent of respondents could declare they’ve had a full and satisfying career, and with their savings and pension, retire very comfortably. The most valued members of the IT and data center workforce cannot be retained forever.

As data center infrastructure completes its transition to a cloud computing model, and software moves into containers and micro services, the remaining, treasured leaders of the data center workforce — people who acquired their skills in the 20th century — may find themselves with nothing recognizable they can manage and no-one to lead. We may be shocked when the crisis finally hits, but we won’t be able to say we weren’t warned.


中文翻译:林宇  编辑:A
原文出处:DCK【2018Technology Salary Survey -- Data Center】

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