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来源:网络 作者:未知 更新时间:2021-12-23
您的网络基础设施和架构是否准备好发展或适应未来应用程序将带来的下一个挑战?5G 和边缘云计算等新技术的实施,以及物联网设备的集成和新发展,将增加正在使用的智能设备的数量,因此我们可以预期全球移动数据流量将快速增长。设备数量的增加有助于开发和创造对以下要求的新应用程序和服务的需求:

·       大容量
·       大带宽
·       低延迟
·       移动性

Is your network infrastructure and architecture ready to grow or adapt to the next challenges that future applications are going to bring? The implementation of new technologies such as 5G and edge cloud computing along with the integration and new development on IoT devices, will increase the number of smart gadgets that are being used, therefore we can expect a fast growth of global mobile data traffic.  This increment in the number of devices are helping to develop and create the need for new applications and services that are demanding:

·       High Capacity
·       Large Bandwidth
·       Low Latency
·       Mobility

The future of data centers is rapidly changing, current applications are evolving, and adapting your company to be ready to support these applications, will bring you the necessary features to scale fast your business model. With the incorporation and implementation of new technology, you will enable the automation necessary to deliver services faster, provide real-time intelligence to increase operational agility, and reduce the time required to troubleshoot and remediate issues in your network infrastructure.


The sophistication of new networks that are being created as a consequence of the decentralization of big hyperscale data center, can become a real issue if you don’t handle the right information or do proper research to evaluate what are the best solutions to be implemented, currently, almost every business relies on cloud computing, connected technologies and electronic data to operate effectively, based on these premises, we can noticed the importance of having proper knowledge about the fundamentals concepts on cloud computing, microcontrollers, microprocessors, IoT technology and how its development can be used in daily activities and industrial applications.

为了促进客户了解最新的技术趋势话题,越南最大的电信运营商 SYNNEX FTP 安排了一系列 交互式实时网络研讨会,以帮助最终用户适应网络架构中的未来挑战并为迎接挑战做好准备。在英特尔、惠普、思科、微软和罗森伯格等知名品牌的参与下,SYNNEX FTP 将依靠几位 ICT 行业领导者的参与,他们将通过定义、演示和案例指导与会者,帮助他们了解即将推出的技术提供的功能和易用性。真实案例研究将展示新技术的实施和部署如何帮助越南市场不同行业的客户。让与会者学习有关适用于各自业务的下一代 IoT 解决方案的基本概念和信息。

To inform and support customers to keep updated on the newest technical trending topics, the biggest telecom operator in Vietnam, SYNNEX FTP, has arranged a series of 3 interactive live webinars, to help end-users to adapt and be ready for the future challenges in their network architecture. With the participation of big and well-stablished brands such as Intel, HP, Cisco, Microsoft, and Rosenberger, SYNNEX FTP will count on the participation of several ICT industry leaders that will guide the attendees through definitions, demos, and uses cases, to help them to understand the capabilities and ease of use delivered with the upcoming technology. Real-world case studies will demonstrate how the implementation and deployment of new technology are helping customers through different industries in the Vietnam market. Get yourself ready for learning and enjoy the basic concepts and the information you need about the next generation of IoT solutions for your business.



Rosenberger is an internationally renowned provider of radio frequency and optical fiber communication technologies, products, solutions and services with a history of 60 years. The company always pursues technology and quality leadership, service excellence as the cornerstone of development, in the process of rapid development, is committed to providing customers with high-quality services.


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